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About Us

We are a father-son team leveraging our own experiences to help others change domicile to Florida.


With over 30 years as an advisor specializing in advanced tax, estate, and business exit planning, Eric is in a unique position to leverage his expertise for this innovative new venture. Eric holds the following advanced planning designations; ChFC®, CExPTM, CAP®, CLU®,


With a client relationship background and a B.A. in Psychology, Joshua brings his relationship management and leadership development skills acquired during his fundraising years at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). 

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Domicile Change Made Simple

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Eric & Joshua Donner - Co-founders 
(954) 295-7406
200 N Federal Hwy, Suite 200

Boca Raton, FL 33432.


Six Months and a Day® does not provide tax, legal, financial, or accounting advice. Six Months and a Day® is a preparatory tool and does not guarantee a successful outcome in the event of a residency audit. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, financial, legal or accounting advice. 

©2023 by Six Months and a Day, LLC     |     Terms & Policies

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