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Changing Domicile from NY/NJ to Florida?

Changing your domicile from a high income tax state is complex, time consuming and highly invasive. Your current home state has no intention of allowing you to take away your tax dollars without a fight.


Are You Prepared?

White Glove Concierge Service


You've thought of everything, right?

There's many pieces to having dual residency. Talk to one of our Domicile Change Advisors to learn how our White Glove Service can help save you time and money when moving to a no-tax state. 

White Glove Checklist

A complete list of everything needed to give you peace of mind

Strategy Sessions

Design and assist in the execution of your custom Domicile Change strategy

Domicile Change Playbook

Customized domicile plan and strategy based on your unique needs

Audit Risk Assessment

Risk of audit will be benchmarked at the beginning of their engagement, with each audit risk element documented and addressed.

Audit Preparedness Assessment

We will help you be fully prepared for your audit.

Trusted Advisors

Your dedicated Six Months and a Day Domicile Change Advisor and Residency Coach will be with you for the entire process to ensure you have the answers you need, when you need them.

Learn More About Our White Glove Service

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Domicile Change Made Simple

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Eric & Joshua Donner - Co-founders 
(954) 295-7406
200 N Federal Hwy, Suite 200

Boca Raton, FL 33432.


Six Months and a Day® does not provide tax, legal, financial, or accounting advice. Six Months and a Day® is a preparatory tool and does not guarantee a successful outcome in the event of a residency audit. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, financial, legal or accounting advice. 

©2023 by Six Months and a Day, LLC     |     Terms & Policies

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